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Our Journey to Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls, New York
Girl Scout Troop 392 -
The winds howled, water rippling, and a cool breeze against our neck and threw our hair. We stood looking out at the majestic Niagara Falls. Far below us there were streams and wild flowers with a platform hanging under the falls. Mist hit us in the face, cool and yet very refreshing. We stand up looking in the face the huge thunderous Bridal Vail Falls. We were on a tour, underground and threw a serene passageway, "Behind the Falls". At "Behind the Falls", you could feel the surge of power as you stood behind the immense Horseshoe Falls. You could stand on a deck that was incredibly close to the feet of the falls. The dark tunnels took you on a short yet exciting journey to view the majesty and glory of the beautiful falls.
For additional information see links below.
We woke up to a morning of dew and the faint sound of the rushing waters. A couple of miles away from the falls, we stayed in a Hostel. You may be thinking, what the heck, or no way. This was my perspective until I stepped inside. Wow! There was an atmosphere of a grandmother's house. We were welcomed into these people's lives with open arms and they gave us a room with bunk beds and plenty of room for us to have our late night chats. This was our home away from home for a week and we loved every moment of it.The following day we crossed over to the Canada side. Talk about beautiful! Remember to bring a picture I.D. and be prepared to answer any questions asked about where you live. A long bridge, over looking the river from the falls, led us to the entrance with floral arrangements everywhere. Canada, flowers and grand trees, skylines and buses, exquisite food and delightful people everywhere we went. A rail car up a mountain became a way of transportation for everyday lives.
Canada was beautiful. There were gardens of never ending bouquets of flowers everywhere. It was amazingly clean on the sidewalks and streets. There were gift shops whenever you turned around.
"Cave of the winds" was an exhilarating experience that took us a mere fifteen feet away from the Bridal Vail Falls!
The Spanish Aero car took you on a trip you'd never forget! You took a ride over the whirlpools that empty from the falls and come and swarm around underneath you. For me it was a chance to just let everything pass me by and just feel the fresh breeze. The adventure only lasted ten minutes, a ride showing pools of rushing, whirling water, but to just experience the rush, the memory will stay. The pools were far from the falls, but you still felt incredibly close.
Niagara Falls was a thrilling vacation spent with family and good friends. It was an unforgettable trip that made a wonderful end to our summer. The memories of Niagara Falls and the fundraising parties for the trip will last forever in our hearts. To this day, we still joke about all the fun times we had on that trip and can't wait till our next adventure together. It was a terrific bonding experience. We are closer now than ever before. We bonded through the walking, the long car rides, different attractions and we enjoyed the long anticipated beds waiting for us at the Hostel where we talked excitedly about the marvelous events of the days for hours on end.